Tuesday 3 April 2012

Analysis of an opening credit sequence - Silence of the Lambs - Dilys

Silence of the lambs has interesting opening credits, from the sinister music to the use of contrasting colours the title sequence is the perfect opening for a good thriller. 

The credits begin with a path of dots forming from the top of the screen going down to the bottom, which suggests someone being followed or perhaps a journey being tracked. The screen then cuts in half along the dots implying that somethings being torn apart. This very creepy beginning helps prepare the audience for the chilling film to come. 

The first credit then appears on the screen in bright red and it is against a pitch black background, this is significant because the red lettering suggests danger and blood and the black background conveys darkness and evil, both key themes in a good thriller. 

The idea of having the dotted lines reappear and cut off parts of the letters is very effective as it suggests something sinister like characters being cut off or things breaking.

At the end of the sequence all the cut up pieces of the letter are put together to form a 'S' this is particularly good as it gives clues to the story line, things are broken and then pieced back together at the end. It also conveys the idea of a broken body with its parts all in the wrong place, which although sounds gruesome connects well to the thriller theme. 

Finally the music playing in the sequence gives a big impact, it is quite eerie and menacing. The high pitched notes suggest something unusual and the echo effect gives the opening a threatening feeling. 

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