Thursday 15 March 2012

Using Match On Action in Our Film- Lisa Walden

We wanted to use Match on Action in our thriller opening to show the techniques that we were capable of using. This technique has only yet cleverly been used once, this is where the young female walks through the graveyard, and we begin to follow her with a hand-held camera. The shot changes to an image of her feet as they slowly walk forward. We wanted to incorporate this into our clip, to portray the image of her slow, uneasy movements towards the graveyard.

As this is our only using of Match On Action we wanted to ensure that it was used correctly to create an impact on the audience. We had considered filming the back of her feet, using a Dolly, however after much practice and experimentation we discovered that the affect of this was not what we wanted it to be like. Also the Dolly created too much of a loud sound and the footage came out fast and jurky- something that didn't tie in with the narrative of the story. We finally made a choice to use the hand-held option viewing the front of her feet, so it's clear to see her slow paced footsteps.

These are images showing where Match On Action is used during our opening.