Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day Of Filming

This image shows us shooting our beach scene- this will be our flashbacks during the opening.

Here the girls are running across the screen with the beautiful sea as a background- the rays of light from the sun came out very well in our shot. 

We filmed this part showing the girls having fun on the beach. This is again part of the various flashbacks. 

Here is a beautiful image of where we shot our cliff scene. 

We used this shot to show the girl journeying towards the cliff.

Whilst we were filming we often stopped to adjust any make-up and hair that needed any amendments. 

We were close to the cliff now- we shot the scene here which shows the girl walking along the grass to her final destination. 

This is again a beautiful shot of the scenary where we shot the final chapter in our opening. 

The girl is now standing close to the edge as we wanted to create a realistic image that she is about to jump. 

We felt it was right to film a few shots from below the cliff, giving an insight into how high up she really is. 

As the sun began to set we managed to shoot some of the final shots of the day. 

These shots are another flashback shot in a small white room. The female here is trapped, so we used mise en scene to create a realistic vibe. 

Throughout we experimented with false lighting to create the feel of her being in a small, dark setting. 

Going for a messed up look gives the impression that she has been struggling and has her life at risk. 

This shot is of her arms being bloody and tied together- we used make-up to achieve this burnt tortured look.