Wednesday 28 March 2012

FlashBacks - Thriller -Dilys

In our thriller opening we have the character Chantelle who is so badly intoxicated by her guilt, she decides that perhaps the best option for herself is to throw herself from a cliff and end her life. However we didn't want to give too much of the story line away in the opening two minutes, so thought it would be far more effective to have flashbacks in the sequence, as it would give clues to her life before the incident and what may have happened to cause her to go to the cliff. We also decided that it would be effective to include flashbacks in the opening as it would keep the audience guessing and therefore intrigued and wanting to watch more. 

We wanted to make the flashbacks clear to the audience so we thought carefully about how to edit them and incorporate them into the sequence. After trying many different techniques we found an editing tool called dip to colour which took the current image on the screen faded it to a blank white screen and then faded the white into the flashback. We think its very effective as it shows the change in time and location. 

Once having added the fading effect we found that it still didn't show clearly enough that the character was having a flash back and we decided there needed to be be some sort of distortion in the image itself. After experimenting with a couple of different editing tools we found a video filter which gave us the desired effect we wanted, it was called a glow effect which made the image on screen shine much brighter and stretch the edges of the shot to show that it is a distant memory and is not completely clear.