Sunday 5 February 2012

Pre-Production Planning-Location Ideas- Lisa Walden

In our opening, we have decided to include various flashbacks, one of which will be shot on Brighton Beach. These shots will just be short snippets of the main female characters spending time togeather. We have chosen to edit this flashback scene in Black and White to create more a mystery and give more effect on the audience-It also makes it more clear that this is a flashback and having it shot in slow motion with a black and white feel creates more tension on the audience. 

Pre-Production Planning- Script- Lisa Walden

As the opening of our thriller doesn't really contain much character speech, however there is still sound from the characters. As there isn't any main conversational speech it isn't necessary for us to create a script. 

During the first part of our opening there is a shot of the two friends on the pier laughing and having fun together. Here you hear them cheering and enjoying themselves, however there is still no speech. Also towards the end, there is a shot of a trapped girl-you hear her deeply breathing and letting out small screeches, again no scripted speech. 

We decided on not using a written script purely because it has a bigger effect on the audience-It doesn't give the plot of the story away with the speech of the characters, it keeps the viewers guessing as to what might happen next.